Friday, October 7, 2011


it's just a little bit of weird happened..
 i'm not really sure what kind of things..
but i got felt somthing isn't right..hmm
tetiba asa cm kekok pulak an..
tataw lah samada anda dah mula brubah or just prasaan aku ja an..
tp aku prasan somthing bout "pglan" yg dulu dah ilang..
pelan pelan ilang but its uke..
i know u must have ur own reasons aite for everything u did..
so i'll be patient n trying my besh to understand da way u are ..
even though it's hard and just a little bit of hurt..
its uke cos i'll be patient and keep to be patient..
perhaps dis is the time to we known each other aite..
i just want u to know something..
no matter what happened never changed my feelings towards u..
never n ever my luv ! :)

p/s : owg x an pksa awak ntok somthing yg owg nak 
cos owg nak awak wat somthing tuh dtg dri atie awak yg eklas n btol2 awak yg nak wat.. 
bkn d sbb an owg pksa uke..cos owg tawu kalo pksa bnda x an kekal an :)