Wednesday, October 5, 2011

dugaan demi dugaan

lately nih mcm2 yg jadi..
pas satu satu meh..
hmm sumpah ckp..aku dah x kuat..
totally dah down sgt2 asa skg nih..
but evrythings i keep it by my own..
i just pretend n hiding the sadness with smiling..
aku than n than ngan suma dugaan yg dtg..
aku ngat aku kuat..
tapi i feel dying inside..
the others can jugde anything dat they wants..
becos they deserve it !
aku tataw apa yg owg slalu sgt x puas ati ngan aku..
sdg an aku x penah kaco idop owg laen..hmm
pls god give me some strength to face it all..

p/s : btol2 asa keseowgan :(


  1. janganlah rasa keseorangan, aku kan ada. you can count on me :)

  2. hee thanks syg..but i thought dat i can't stand anymore..too tired with all of dis shit :(
